Unlocking investment in emerging markets is one of the most important levers to drive climate action; annual investment levels need to increase by at least 4x over the next decade. The good news is that climate opportunities are becoming increasingly commercially attractive. Technology tipping points are making low-carbon and nature-positive solutions investable.

Even so, capital is not flowing fast enough or at scale to capture these opportunities – exacerbated by a challenging macro-environment, high perception of country risk, lack of liquidity, limited pipeline and inefficiencies and market failures across the financial system.

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Unlocking investment in emerging markets is one of the most important levers to drive climate action; annual investment levels need to increase by at least 4x over the next decade. The good news is that climate opportunities are becoming increasingly commercially attractive. Technology tipping points are making low-carbon and nature-positive solutions investable.
Even so, capital is not flowing fast enough or at scale to capture these opportunities – exacerbated by a challenging macro-environment, high perception of country risk, lack of liquidity, limited pipeline and inefficiencies and market failures across the financial system.


Sharing Actions Program

Welcome to Sharing Actions Africa, the official YouTube channel dedicated to climate capital mobilization in Africa. Join us for exclusive content from the "Sharing Actions" calls, where African partners elevate best practices, share insights, and generate momentum. Supported by UNECA, High Level Climate Champions, Cap-A, and FSD Africa, we showcase opportunities and connect global partners interested in Africa's dynamism. Subscribe now for transformative climate finance content. Let's create a sustainable Africa together.


Climate Capital
Mobilization Accelerator (CCMA)

The Climate Capital Mobilization Accelerator (CCMA) is a global collaborative launched by Ambition Loop to drive accelerating levels of capital flows towards climate solutions in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs). We bring together a group of Commissioners who are impatient, practical problem solvers engaged in allocating capital in EMDEs.

It builds on the experience of UN Climate Champions in mobilizing radical collaboratives behind global campaigns.

Our mission is to mobilize
$2.4trn per year by 2030.

The CCMA has four core priorities: building investable pipeline, strengthening the financial system architecture, developing better de-risking mechanisms and using the power of narrative to tell the exciting story of innovation and opportunity.


Investable Pipeline Platform

This growing collaboration with multiple partners, including UN Climate Champions, connects projects with finance. Capital for Climate (C4C) has developed a climate finance platform in Brazil to curate investment opportunities in Nature Based Solutions (NBS). Together we are rolling out this solution to new geographies and sectors to aggregate and accelerate opportunities for private sector investment. By focussing on the practical issues blocking capital flow, we use this collaboration as a mechanism to learn and remove bottlenecks within the finance system.


Working Groups on Financial Systems Architecture & Cost of Capital

Working with a rich ecosystem of partners including UN Climate Champions, UN Economic commissions, GFANZ, Capital for Climate, AUDA-NEPAD, Cap-A, the CCMA works to drive exponential growth in climate finance. We have working groups focusing on international financial architecture reform [domestic resource mobilization, changing the rules of the game, adaptation finance] and reducing the cost of capital [innovating and promoting de-risking solutions].


Strategic Sharing Actions

There are many brilliant partners innovating policies, funds, instruments and deal structures - we bring the ecosystem together to elevate best practices, share insights and experiences, and develop momentum on climate capital mobilization in African, Latin America, and Asia. By facilitating exchanges between regional ecosystems these calls also serve as a docking point for global partners interested in the dynamic opportunities in emerging and developing economies.



Amar Bhattacharya

Babatunde Soyoye

Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution


Bogolo Kenewendo

Carolina Aguirre

Special Advisor, High-level Climate Champion

Growald Foundation

Jay Collins

Jean-Paul Adam



Climate Champion COP27

Kathy Baughman McLeod

Mahmoud Mohieldin

Climate Resilience
for All

Manfred Schepers

Mark Napier


FSD Africa

Nadia Nikolova

Patricia Espinosa

Former Executive Director of the UNFCCC

Shami Nissan

Victoria Miles

Partner Actis


Alejo Cantón

Eirik Mofoss

President Sistema B Argentina

Managing Director Center for Long-Term Policy

Sara Lemniei

Eva Gladek

Founder & CEO at Metabolic

SLK Group Capital

Gonzalo Muñoz

Mark Gallogly

Climate Change High-Level Champion

Three Cairns Group

Uday Khemka

Nazmeera Moola

SUN Group


Andrew Johnstone

Rhian-Mari Thomas

Climate Fund Managers

Green Finance Institute

Angela Homsi

Frannie Leautier

Ignite Power

SouthBridge Investment

Tom Tyler

Sagarika Chatterjee


Climate Champion

Jérôme Schmitt

Stephen Hammer

Columbia & C-4ward

NY Climate Exchange

John Murton

Ekhosuehi Iyahen

Standard Chartered Bank

Secretary General of IDF

Jenny Koh

Marc-André Blanchard



Manuel Pulgar Vidal

Daniel Hojman

Líder Global WWF

CEO of Banco Estado

Ricardo Cuesta D.

Hilen Meirovich

Director Junta Directiva Promerica Financial Corp

Head of Climate Change IDB Invest (IDB Group)

Olga Cantillo

Marcelo Mena

Executive President & CEO FIAB

CEO of Global Methane Hub

Maria Netto

José Pugas

Executive Director iCS

Founder JPG Credito

Peter Hall

Managing Director at Resonance for Climate Impact Advisory



Catherine Koffman

Development Bank of
Southern Africa

Nigel Topping

Climate Change High-Level Champion COP26



Jacinda Njike

Managing Director


Partner Organizations


  • Established by UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping, the Climate Champions Team works to enhance ambition and strengthen the engagement of non-State actors in supporting Parties, working with the Marrakech Partnership, to deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement.

    Learn More


  • Capital for Climate works with large-scale investors to focus primary capital on the highest leverage opportunities to achieve decarbonization tipping points across all key sectors within this decade.

    Learn More


  • Using their own innovative model, Onepoint5 quantifies how businesses can maximize their return on investment and impact through a marriage of financial & environmental modeling.

    Learn More


  • A diverse network of change-makers committed to sharing strategic insights, inspiration and impactful specific opportunities to crack the crises of climate, covid, conflicts and inequalities and achieve our Sustainable Development Goals.

    Learn More

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