Our focus is supporting a sizable, diverse and impactful community of Non-State Actors to deliver and push for ambitious action on food systems in line with the priority actions and principles outlined in the Food Systems Call to

Action, launched at COP28 by the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, creating unstoppable momentum on food systems, nature and climate ahead of COP30 in 2025.

Our focus is supporting a sizable, diverse and impactful community of Non-State Actors to deliver and push for ambitious action on food systems in line with the priority actions and principles outlined in the Food Systems Call to Action, launched at COP28 by the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, creating unstoppable momentum on food systems, nature and climate ahead of COP30 in 2025.


Initiatives & Pipelines

Accelerate and support the scale-up of Non-State Actor action to transform food systems to deliver for people, nature, and climate.



Showcase and amplify Non-State Actor leadership to spur more ambitious government action, catalyzing ‘ambition loops’ between State and Non-State Actors.



Encourage the development of targets, transition plans and accountability frameworks to drive action.



Support convergence around locally-appropriate and context specific solutions through multi-stakeholder dialogues.




Sign the Food Systems
Call to Action

Mandated by the COP28 Presidency and working closely with UN Climate Change High-Level Champions for COP28 and COP29, Razan Al Mubarak and Nigar Arpadarai, Ambition Loop engages with diverse Non-State Actors - including farmers groups, Indigenous

Peoples organizations, civil society, youth, businesses, philanthropy and cities - to support delivery of transformative change in global food systems in collaboration with the Climate Champions Team though the Food Systems Call to Action initiative.

Interested in partnering with
Ambition Loop on Food Systems?


Partner Organizations


  • Established by Ambition Loop Founders and UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping, the Climate Champions Team works to enhance ambition and strengthen the engagement of non-State actors in supporting Parties, working with the Marrakech Partnership, to deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement.

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  • Chilean based Hub that focuses on methane mitigation funding in the energy, agricultural, and waste sectors which account for 96% of human-caused methane emissions. This effort is aligned with the objectives of the Global Methane Pledge, to cut 30% of methane emissions by 2030.

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  • A union of waste picker organizations representing more than 460,000 workers across 34 countries.

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  • The Alliance of Small Island States is affected by climate change with sea level rise and the plastic pollution crisis with plastic reaching their shores.

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