Having launched the 2030 Breakthroughs in the run up to COP26, we continue to work closely with a broad ecosystem of partners, including UN Climate Change High Level Champions, TED Countdown, Groundswell, and the

Breakthrough Agenda] to drive exponential adoption of clean tech solutions across energy, transport and industry to put the world on track for net zero in the 2040s.

Having launched the 2030 Breakthroughs in the run up to COP26, we continue to work closely with a broad ecosystem of partners, including UN Climate Change High Level Champions, TED Countdown, Groundswell, and the Breakthrough Agenda] to drive exponential adoption of clean tech solutions across energy, transport and industry to put the world on track for net zero in the 2040s.


Our mission is to mobilize
$2.4trn per year by 2030.

Our mission is to mobilize
$2.4trn per year by 2030.

Interested in partnering with Ambition Loop on Industrial Breakthroughs?

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