Accelerating systemic change
through radical


Ambition Loop is a global NGO based in Santiago, Chile on a mission to lead and inspire coordinated, transformative action on a small number of major challenges across climate change, biodiversity, plastics pollution, food systems, and water.

Ambition Loop in NYCW2024


Why Ambition Loop?

Founded by Nigel Topping and Gonzalo Muñoz, both UN Climate Change High Level Champions, and Daniel Vercelli, Ambition Loop gets our name from the concept of a positive feedback cycle in which governments, civil societies, and private sector leaders collaborate, reinforce, and amplify efforts to take sustainable action to the next level. We are driven by a profound sense of responsibility towards the planet and its inhabitants. We believe in the power of bold collective goals, and in the need for generosity among partners to foster radical collaboration.

Mangrove Breakthrough

The Mangrove Breakthrough is an ambitious, cross-sector initiative that aims to secure the future of this invaluable ecosystem by halting mangrove loss, doubling their protection, restoring half of the mangroves lost since 1996, and building opportunities for sustainable finance by 2030. Ambition Loop is honored to play a critical role in this initiative by serving as the host institution of the Mangrove Breakthrough’s governing Secretariat. With support and guidance from Ambition Loop, the Secretariat works directly with governments and delivery partners around the world to achieve the critical goals of the Breakthrough.


Mandated by Samoa (Presidency of AOSIS), Ambition Loop is coordinating several tracks of non-state actor action as a necessary complement of a bold Global Plastics Treaty in 2025 designed with delivery momentum growing in permanent support of the negotiations.

Ambition Loop works at the intersection of Plastics and Climate through the Methane Agenda and sustainable management of organic waste.

Food Systems

Mandated by the COP28 Presidency and working closely with UN Climate Change High-Level Champions for COP28 and COP29, Razan Al Mubarak and Nigar Arpadarai, Ambition Loop engages with diverse Non-State Actors - including farmers groups, Indigenous Peoples organizations, civil society, youth, businesses, philanthropy and cities - to support delivery of transformative change in global food systems in collaboration with the Climate Champions Team though the Food Systems Call to Action initiative.

Climate Finance

Having commissioned the 'Finance for Climate Action' report from Nick Stern, Vera Songwe and Amar Bhattacharya at COP27, as UN Climate Champions, Ambition Loop has now launched the Climate Capital Mobilization Accelerator to drive a massive increase of capital flows to climate solutions in EMDEs, targeting $2.4tr per year by 2030.

We focus particularly on building much stronger investment pipelines across nature, industry, energy and resilience, as well as addressing unfair rules of the global finance system and tackling the excessive cost of capital in EMDES. We strongly believe that investing in climate solutions represents an opportunity for ‘climate positive development’ and that the problem-solving skills of private finance are key to unlocking innovation at scale.

Industrial Breakthroughs

Having launched the 2030 Breakthroughs in the run up to COP26, we continue to work closely with a broad ecosystem of partners, including UN Climate Change High Level Champions, TED Countdown, Groundswell, and the Breakthrough Agenda] to drive exponential adoption of clean tech solutions across energy, transport and industry to put the world on track for net zero in the 2040s.


Our Partners

We understand that no one is in charge of systems transformation but we believe that diverse groups of change agents converging on shared bold goals and pathways have the power to innovate and inspire each other to achieve remarkable results.

Global Events Calendar

Ambition Loop values the opportunity to converge with and expand our network of collaborators at events, conferences, and engagements around the world.
We encourage our network to explore our Global Events Calendar of upcoming events.

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